Atlanta United adds Peach Pass as Proud Partner
Atlanta United recently announced a partnership with Peach Pass becoming a proud partner of both Atlanta United’s First Team and Atlanta United 2!

As part of its partnership with Atlanta United, the State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA) is holding a series of giveaways for home game tickets for both First Team and Atlanta United 2 this season. Details about the giveaway will be announced on SRTA’s Facebook ( and Twitter ( accounts.
The partnership and giveaways are designed to highlight the upcoming opening of the Northwest Corridor Express Lanes. Open to drivers with a valid Peach Pass, the Express Lanes give commuters the option to bypass traffic along interstates that are within some of the most congested corridors in metro Atlanta. Available on I-85 North of Atlanta (I-85 Express Lanes), on I-75 South of Atlanta (I-75 South Metro Express Lanes) and opening soon on I-75 and I-575 North of Atlanta (Northwest Corridor Express Lanes), the Express Lanes provide commuters with an option to get where they need to be faster.

“SRTA is excited about our partnership with the Atlanta United franchise and the opportunity for their fans to become fans of Peach Pass as well,” Chris Tomlinson, SRTA Executive Director, said. “Purchasing a Peach Pass allows you to get to the games and your life faster and this will soon include those residents who live in the area of the I-75 and I-575 Northwest Corridor Express Lanes, opening this summer.”
The new Northwest Corridor Express Lanes will add almost 30 miles of toll lanes along the I-75/I-575 corridor. Much like the I-75 South Metro Express Lanes, the lanes will be reversible, giving all drivers the most beneficial commute within that area. This project will also feature dynamic priced tolling based on congestion – as demand for the lanes increases, the toll amount will rise. The lanes are slated to open in summer 2018.
For more information on how you can win tickets during our upcoming giveaways, click here.