To learn more about SRTA’s finances, click and view the finance reports below.

These reports include information on SRTA’s operating highlights, financial statements, and financial analysis.

SRTA Bonds

Information on SRTA’s bonds, including official statements and continuing disclosure, can be located here.

SRTA Bonds Icon

SRTA currently has the following outstanding issuances:

Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Exemption

By publicly posting the following written disclosure, The State Road and Tollway Authority (the “Authority” or “SRTA”) intends that market participants receive and use it for purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Municipal Advisor Rule.
The Authority has retained an independent registered municipal advisor (the “MA”). The Authority is represented by and will rely upon its MA, Public Resources Advisory Group (“PRAG”), to provide advice on proposals from financial services firms concerning the issuance of municipal securities and municipal financial products. This certification may be relied upon through June 30, 2025.
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