The Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) Board of Directors is comprised of 15 members from among the ranks of private and public sector leaders throughout metro Atlanta, all of whom are chosen by the Governor of Georgia. The Board approves the allocation of state and federal transportation resources to the highest-priority near-term projects in metro Atlanta via the Transportation Improvement Program, and guides evaluation of all Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs) within its jurisdiction for their impacts on the surrounding transportation infrastructure.

The core functions of the Board are as follows:

On behalf of the Governor and per state law and executive order, the GRTA Board approves the allocation of state and federal transportation resources in metro Atlanta via the Atlanta Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the federally-required planning process that allocates funds to the highest-priority, near-term transportation projects.
Per state law (OCGA §50-32-14), GRTA is required to review all Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs) within its 13-county metro Atlanta jurisdiction and to identify options to mitigate current and future impacts to mobility using best-practice standards for transportation and land use.

The GRTA Board reviews and approves as applicable, all documents required to ensure compliance with Federal rules and regulations. The GRTA Board also contains two committees with different focus areas that direct growth and prioritize investments in the region: The GRTA Land Use and Transportation Committee and Projects and Planning Committees are responsible for coordinating with state, regional, local and private partners to leverage the built environment to improve quality of life for the Atlanta region’s residents and advance GRTA’s values.

Land Use and Transportation Committee

The Land Use and Transportation Committee monitors the impact of GRTA activity related to Developments of Regional Impact and linkages between transportation and land use on strategic growth in the regional economy.

Projects and Planning Committee

The Projects and Planning Committee reviews the projects in the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Transportation Improvement Program on behalf of the Governor of Georgia for adherence with the state’s economic development and planning initiatives.

In addition to their role in reviewing and approving the Atlanta Regional Commission’s (ARC) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and reviewing Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs), the members of the GRTA Board also serve as the Governor’s Development Council (GDC).

How to Attend GRTA Board Meetings:

The public is invited to attend both board committee meetings and standard board meetings. All meetings are held in the board room of SRTA’s Corporate Office unless otherwise noted. The Board highly values public participation in its meetings and sets aside up to 30 minutes at the beginning of each Board meeting to receive public comments. A speaker must register in person by the start of the Board meeting. Speakers are limited to three minutes each. To see the full 2025 schedule, click here.

Board Members

Walter M. "Sonny" Deriso

Walter M. "Sonny" Deriso, Jr.

Board Chairman

Richard A. "Dick" Anderson

Richard A. "Dick" Anderson

Board Vice Chairman

Frank Auman

Frank Auman

Jace Brooks

Jace Brooks

Ann Hanlon

Ann Hanlon

Sharon Mason

Sharon Mason

Narender Reddy

Narender Reddy

Emanuel “Manny” Fialkow

William Tate

William Tate

Robert "Bob" Voyles

Robert "Bob" Voyles

Christian Schoen

Christian Schoen

Shaun Willie


Kirk Fjelstul

Jai Bum Park

Jai B. Park

Himanshu Karnwal

GRTA Leadership

Jannine Miller

Jannine Miller

Executive Director

Click Here for Bio
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